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  • info@srhrrwandacoalition.org
  • (+250)788 309 262

The Value Guiding Principles

This Coalition has been built upon shared values. All members, be it organizations or professional bodies share a collective purpose of advancing SRHR in their different capacities and in their difference spheres of influence. Specifically, Coalition members shall be guided by the following values/guiding principles: 


    • Equality and non-discrimination: in exercising the rights and obligations in the Coalition, all members shall be considered and treated equally. Discrimination of any form such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, migrants, older persons, LGBTI people, among others is prohibited. Members must commit to protect and promote the right to equality, prevent discrimination and promote diversity, tolerance and inclusivity. Members are encouraged to always share information and views on encountered challenges and opportunities for addressing and promoting equality respectively. 
    • Respect: Members shall recognize and respect differences between the organizations/individuals, especially due to power imbalances, financial differences, technical capacities or any other reasons that lead to none-respect fellow Coalition members. Therefore, Coalition members accept to treat each other as equal partners who have come together to promote and engage in mutual learning. 
  • Integrity: Members of SRHR-Rwanda Coalition shall at all times practice and promote integrity, foster openness and consistently demonstrate high ethical standards. This will include allowing members to ask questions in an open and cohesive environment and ensuring that unethical behaviors and conduct are condemned and reprimanded.
  • Inclusivity and diversity: Members of SRHR-Rwanda Coalition must embrace inclusiveness and diversity as a virtue of humanity and a guiding principle of human rights. Members must respect and appreciate differences in age, gender, ethnicity, education, physical abilities, race, and religion among individuals and ensure diverse viewpoints are included when making decisions.
  • Effective communication: Have an open and professional relationship. Solve problems transparently and harmoniously and come to mutual agreements of the best solution. Recognise that there may be differences in the way of communicating and work with them respectfully. 
    • Transparency and Accountability: The SRHR-Rwanda Coalition shall progressively develop and ensure a robust accountability framework, adopt standard accountability and transparent mechanisms such as, prevention of conflicts of interest and corruption, employment of sound management practices, including appropriate financial management and control systems, publishing and sharing narrative and financial reports, among others. 
  • Flexibility: The context in which CSOs work can change significantly, quickly and surprisingly. Thus, there is a need for flexibility regarding objectives, approaches, activities, etc. Periodic reviews on the partnership and related activities need to be in place.